Little bits of luck from the couple to their guests. That's what it's all about from the ancient pieces of bread broken over the heads of the bridal couple to bejewelled boxes of sugar, 5 almonds of prosperity, jordan almonds, sugared the ever so special plastic slipper filled with coloured balls of the '80's. Little bits of luck.
What does luck mean to you? You wish to say thank you and spread a little joy and love to the guests you've invited to be a part of your special day - nice! Those of you who are sustainably minded may want to consider the impact of such little gifts of lucky love will have on the environment.
Consider the following options (in descending order of my preference):
A hug. A hug is love and a direct contact of the bridal couple to your guest could be passing on the marriage luck to everyone who gets a hug or handshake. Wash your hands first. This is also a budget saver and most people don't know what to do with the extra chatchkas that collect from the weddings they go to.
Many couples are opting to forgo the favor in favour of a donation to a charity or cause - spreading the love to a wider circle. Another nice option.
Food. Edible favors are a big way to lessen the impact - depending of 'course on how you package your wee treat. A box adds paper; Fabric wrap is yet more trash - why not have a lovely display on a glass platter of your treats, together with a thank you card in front of the stand, and folks can take the chocolate/fruit cake/truffle if they want it/can eat it. A bowl of candies - those silver almonds are pretty - can be lovely too, on a table near the exit at leaving time.
Double Duty. Make your invitation a piece of art that your guests can frame; perhaps a nice photograph on a magnet back as a 'save the date'?
Something Useful. How about a reusable water bottle? And if you have the budget, you can customize it - preferably with a tasteful graphic rather than your names and wedding date. Much as your friends and family love you, trust me - they don't want stuff written on their mugs, cups or bottles, it doesn't usually go with their place settings. This company has a lovely stainless steel bottle in nice colours and they'll customize it for you.
Growing favors. Fine, give me something to plant and assume I a) have a garden, b) have time to plant it, c) it's a local plant that will thrive in my climate, d) the landlord will allow a pine tree on his postage-stamp lawn. Wildflowers are an easier item to find a place for and all one has to do is open the package and fling them onto the lawn, but then again - here's hoping your guest owns their lawn. I think a better option is to grow cooking herbs in small pots that will survive in a window sill in an apartment building. They'll smell nice and are more likely to get some use. I can't tell you the guilt that has collected on my shoulders at all the beautiful little tree seedlings that I didn't have time or a location to plant.
You are providing a fun party on the occasion of your wedding - sometimes that's thanks enough.

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